🌈🎨 Generative Art || Nuxt Canvas Sketch (three.js, tensorflow.js and gsap)

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Generative Art is the idea realized as genetic code of artificial events, as construction of dynamic complex systems able to generate endless variations. This is also a nuxt-module (@luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketch) - [three.js, tensorflow.js and gsap are not included].

πŸ’˜ Motivation

I'm introducing myself into theGenerative art,3D art,Visual designandCreative codingworlds.

So, why i can't do this with my favorite libraries and framework?
Infact, this is also a module forNuxtJS, it inject thecanvas-sketchlibrary withcanvas-sketch-utilsandload-asset(from the creative coderMatt DesLauriers).

After installation, you have access in NuxtJS (on theclient-side) at two things,$canvasSketch(the main module, used internally) and at the method$sketch(it starts the sketch).

Check out thesrc/pagesfolder for some demos.
Every page correspond to an example in themain website.

N.B.: This is awork-in-progress project, I'm learning and testing new things here.


  1. Install@luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketchas a dependency:
    • yarn add @luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketch;
    • or,npm install --save @luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketch;
  2. Append@luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketchto themodulesarray of yournuxt.config.js.


    // nuxt.config.js
    export default {

        // Module injection
        modules: [ '@luxdamore/nuxt-canvas-sketch' ],

        // Module configuration
        canvasSketch: {
            hideErrorsInConsole: false,
            hideGenericMessagesInConsole: false, // `true` in production



I'm using thesketchManager, because i think withVueJSit's the better way to remove and clean handlers during the destroy phase.

        <div class="canvas__container">

            <canvas ref="canvas" />


        // Page, component or layout
        export default {
            data: () => (
                    sketchManager: null,
            async mounted() {

                try {

                    this.sketchManager = await this.$sketch(
                        // Settings of the sketch
                            maxPixelRatio: 3,
                            hotkeys: false,
                            // or you can pass a DOMCanvasElement ex.
                            // document.querySelector( 'canvas' )
                            canvas: this.$refs.canvas,
                        // Method for the rendering

                    // Ensure every listener is removed on-component-destoy
                        () => this.sketchManager.unload()

                } catch( e ) {



            methods: {
                sketch({ context }) {

                    // Here you start coding-art

                    return ({ context }) => {

                        // Here you can return some animated stuff



    <style scoped>
        canvas {

            position: absolute;
            top: 0;
            left: 0;
            z-index: 1;
            display: block;
            width: 100vw;
            height: 100vh;
            margin: 0;
            padding: 0;


Related things


There are lots of examples based onthreejs, but it's not included, You can install the library with:

    # cmd
    yarn add three # or npm install --save three

There si also aThreeJS starter templatebased on the plugin.

Gsap (GreenSock)

There are some examples based on thegsaplibrary, but it's not included, You can install the library with:

    # cmd
    yarn add gsap # or npm install --save gsap

Check thelayout navigation example.

Tensorflow - Machine Learning and face recognition with Facemesh

TensorFlow.jsandFacemeshare not included, but you can follow the installation processhere:

    # cmd
    yarn add @tensorflow/tfjs-backend-cpu @tensorflow/tfjs-converter @tensorflow/tfjs-core # or npm install --save @tensorflow/tfjs-backend-cpu @tensorflow/tfjs-converter @tensorflow/tfjs-core

There si also an example withThreeJS and Tensorflowbased on the plugin.

Extra Resources


ThreeJS and Shaders

Videos about creative coding and 3D art

πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ’» Development

  1. Clonethe repository:
    • git clone https://github.com/LuXDAmore/generative-art.git;
  2. Installdependencies:
    • yarn install(ornpm install);
  3. Starta development server:
    • yarn dev(ornpm run dev);
  4. Testyour code:
    • yarn test(ornpm run test);
  5. Extra, generate the documentation (Github Pages):
    • yarn generate(ornpm run generate);
    • the content is automatically generated into the/docsfolder.

🐞 Issues

Please make sure to read theissue reporting checklistbefore opening an issue.
Issues not conforming to the guidelines may be closed immediately.

πŸ“ Discussions

We're usingGithub discussionsas a place to connect with other members of our community.
You are free to ask questions and share ideas, so enjoy yourself.

πŸ‘₯ Contribution

Please make sure to read thecontributing guidebefore making a pull request.

πŸ“– Changelog

Details changes for each release are documented in therelease notes.

πŸ†“ License

MIT License// Copyright (Β©) 2019-nowLuca Iaconelli

πŸ’Ό Hire me


πŸ’Έ Are you feeling generous today?

If You want to share a beer, we can be really good friends πŸ˜„


β˜€It's always a good day to be magnanimous- cit.

πŸ’˜ Inspired by

All my thanks goes toMatt DesLauriersandYuri Artyukhfor those useful libraries and tutorials.